The medical world has numerous different disciplines like General Physician, Ortho, Neuro, Dental, Gastroenterology, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Ear Nose Throat, Physiotherapy, etc.
The business is regulated by the government where medical professionals are recruited after due assessments.
The business is regulated by the government where medical professionals are recruited after due assessments.
It is a multi-disciplinary and can be a super specialist healthcare organisation with beds, operation theaters for surgeries and complete medical facilities and equipments. It is usually 24 hours in operation with day clinics for consulting. Hospitals may be owned by the government or by affluent Doctors or by affluent businessmen who would invest in the complete infrastructure and facilities and the organisation would be run by a Medical Director under a Board of Directors. Hospitals can also be affiliates of other older and well established hospitals in any part of the world. Huge investments are required in millions of dollars.
It is a multi-disciplinary and can be a super specialist healthcare organisation with beds, operation theaters for surgeries and complete medical facilities and equipments. It is usually 24 hours in operation with day clinics for consulting. Hospitals may be owned by the government or by affluent Doctors or by affluent businessmen who would invest in the complete infrastructure and facilities and the organisation would be run by a Medical Director under a Board of Directors. Hospitals can also be affiliates of other older and well established hospitals in any part of the world. Huge investments are required in millions of dollars.
It is a multi-disciplinary organisation for consulting only with or without lab equipments.
Revenue earned by each Doctor under each discipline has to be recorded. Doctors are either employed full time or are attached to the hospital / polyclinic with fixed visiting days and time.
Patients may be self paying or may be covered by Insurance. Claims from Insurance companies is a critical area where financial controls and systems have to be strengthened.
Mounting costs of healthcare are a matter of concern for all individuals, companies and governments.
Patients could also be covered by government health schemes where governments spend billions of dollars annually.
- Setting up state of the art accounting and control systems
- ERP software review and implementation assurance
- Valuation of Business
- Acquisitions, Mergers, De-Mergers, Sale of Business
- Private equity
- Turning around loss making and / or inefficient companies - turnkey and modular
- Ensuring sound financial health
- Improving systems and controls
- HR
- Project reports with or without feasibility studies
- Statutory Audits
- Internal audits
- Professionally managing a troubled borrower's business as banks monies are at stake