These are companies engaged in providing services as freight forwarders for goods to be imported or exported by air and by sea or transported locally by road and rail.
It includes courier services. |
They work with international companies as a network as they undertake to transport goods from a factory or warehouse in one country to another factory or warehouse in another country.
Multinational companies operate with their own network of offices in various parts of the world.
They invest in equipments to provide services or they lease equipments as and when required or an annual basis.
They incur all expenses on behalf of their client viz., freight, customs duty, port charges, local transport charges, Bill of lading fees, Bill of exit and Bill of Entry fees.
They sell freight charges and recover all above expenses with their agency fees.
- Setting up state of the art job costing systems
- ERP software review and implementation assurance
- Valuation of Business
- Acquisitions, Mergers, De-mergers
- Sale of Business
- Improving systems and controls
- Fraud investigations
- Statutory audits
- Internal audits