This sector covers Railways, Trucks and Buses used to transport goods and people
Land transport companies are usually owned by government entities and command billion dollar investments.
People are transported short distance by trams and buses including the meticulous modern day underground and overground Metros.
Runs Over Bridges And Tunnels In A City Requires High Cap Ex Than Trams Is More Sophisticated Can Be Auto Pilot (Driver Less) |
Chicccc & Sleekkkk Age Old Inter City Mode of Transport still rules the roost.... |
Used for people traveling long and short distance |
just IMAGINE.... !
These terminals are unique facilities designed to transfer 100's of vehicles from the motorway onto special shuttle wagon trains.
......A Peugeot 807 entering a shuttle wagon at the French terminal at Coquelles near Calais in northern France...
- ERP software review and implementation assurance
- Valuation of Business
- Acquisitions, Mergers, Demergers, Sale of Business
- Private equity
- Turning around loss making and / or inefficient entities - turnkey and modular
- Ensuring sound financial health
- Improving systems and controls
- Project reports with or without feasibility studies
- HR
- Statutory audits